Last year at around this same time, I set the intention to write a post like this wherein I would give some highlights and lessons learned. In fact, here’s some written proof of that intention:


I actually did record and publish my first talking blog post, but not as I intended. I just was not well-practiced at the skill of writing and recording content, so when I sat down to do the thing, I felt overwhelmed and unable to produce output up to any sort of standard. I had this realization last year and committed to making a few changes that would hopefully put myself in a better position to write this post. If you’re reading this, that’s a win 🎉.

In all seriousness, I had a great 32nd year of triumphs and also immense challenge with a few lessons to take away, and I owe it to turning three intentional behaviors into habits:

  1. Consistent journaling
  2. Applied learning
  3. Finding alignment

Before we get into the juicy details of how each of these changes helped me have a great year, l’ll list out some of the highlights and lowlights of my adventures this year (in some particular order):